Are Dental Implants Right for You? Information Evening May 23, 2017

Do you want to know more about dental implants, but don’t know where to start? Are you wishing for a more stable denture? Wondering what to do about your missing tooth or teeth? Come learn all about this incredible treatment at our free information evening! We’d love to help you make an informed choice about what is right for you.

What are Dental Implants?

A dental implant is a small titanium post that secures a crown, bridge or denture directly into your jaw. It’s like a new root for your tooth, except it’s made of metal. It is extremely strong and stable, and can last for your entire lifetime. That means a one-time cost! Implants are the most successful medical procedure out of all medical procedures, and out of all of the multiple treatment options available, they feel the most like a real tooth. They will help to prevent bone loss and gum recession, which are common consequences of a missing tooth. Implants are a great option for almost everyone, and are very simple and straightforward to insert. 


Implant Dentures

If your dentures are slipping and moving around, causing discomfort and embarrassment, implants are the solution for you! With implant secured dentures, you will be able to eat and smile with confidence. You’ll be able to enjoy the nutritious and delicious foods you used to have before dentures. The best part is, your dentures will sit nicely in your mouth, and you won’t get sore gums!


Information Night

Please join us for a candid in-depth discussion on the benefits of implant-related treatment. Experience a comfortable, safe and relaxed setting in which to address your questions and concerns. You will meet individuals who have undergone implant treatment and learn first-hand how it has impacted their lives. Dr. Bishop is looking forward to meeting you and recapturing your smile!

Please RSVP at 250-860-5253 or as space is limited.